This ebook will give you 100 fitness product selling concepts. It includes ideas for different types of fitness, exercise, workout and nutritional products to sell and gives you persuasive copywriting words and phrases that sell.
1) You could sell AB crunches and jackknife sit-up books. Describe your exercise products with words like ‘easy exercises ‘.
2) You might make ab twists and jogging equipment. Illustrate your diet items with phrases as ‘get in shape ‘.
3) You can market ad benches and jump rope tools. Define your fitness merchandise with sayings like ‘work out ‘.
4) You should generate aerobic and jumping jacks online videos. Express your workout services with terms as ‘boost energy ‘.
5) You may promote aerobic box steps and jumping lunges courses. Detail your nutrition products with remarks like ‘get fit ‘.
6) You could create air bikes and jumping squats machinery. Advertise your exercise items with descriptions as ‘look good ‘.
7) You might advertise aerobic a steps and kickbacks DVDs. Explain your diet merchandise with wordage like ‘get conditioned ‘.
8) You can publicize ankle circles and kicks ezines. Market your fitness services with expressions as ‘improve diet ‘.
9) You should suggest arm and leg lifts and knee circles supplies. Paint your workout products with wording like ‘exert yourself ‘.
10) You may endorse arm circles and knee pushups CDs. Copy write your nutrition items with language as ‘ant-aging ‘.
11) You could distribute arm stretches and knee ups eclasses. Promote your exercise merchandise with adage like ‘train yourself ‘.
12) You might auction back extensions and knee/hip raise ebooks. Portray your diet services with representations as ‘look thinner ‘.
13) You can publish back stretches and lat pulldowns magazines. State your fitness products with words like ‘warm up ‘.
14) You should sell balance and leg abductions online audios. Term your workout items with phrases as ‘gain stamina ‘.
15) You may make ball back extensions and leg curls membership sites. Sketch your nutrition merchandise with sayings like ‘tone up ‘
16) You could market band and leg extensions ecourses. Present your exercise services with terms as ‘gain endurance ‘.
17) You might generate barbell and leg lifts classes. Relate your diet products with remarks like ‘trim down ‘.
18) You can promote basic lefts and leg press machines newsletters. Label your fitness items with descriptions as ‘gain agility ‘.
19) You should create bench and leg presses accessories Depict your workout merchandise with wordage like ‘body building ‘.
20) You may advertise bench presses and leg raises devices. Character your nutrition services with expressions as ‘lose fat ‘.
21) You could publicize bent over rows and leg stretches gear. Call your exercise products with wording like ‘get stronger ‘.
22) You might suggest bent-leg kickbacks and leg tucks consulting. Report your diet items with language as ‘feel younger ‘.
23) You can endorse biceps curls and leg ups coaching. Represent your fitness merchandise with adage like ‘lose weight ‘.
24) You should distribute bicycling and lunges training. Outline your workout services with representations as ‘live longer ‘.
25) You may auction body crunches and machine DVDs. Summaries your nutrition products with words like ‘slim down ‘.
26) You could publish bodybuilding and mambos ezines. Photograph your exercise items with phrases as ‘eliminate stress ‘.
27) You might sell bottle lateral raises and military presses supplies. Video your diet merchandise with sayings like ‘burn fat ‘.
28) You can make bridges and mixed grip chins CDs. publicize your fitness services with terms as ‘relieve stress ‘.
29) You should market bucket squats and mountain climbers eclasses. Draw your workout products with remarks like ‘eliminate calories ‘.
30) You may generate butt-ups and neck presses ebooks. Describe your nutrition items with descriptions as ‘lose a size ‘.
31) You could promote butterflys and neck stretches magazines. Illustrate your exercise merchandise with wordage like ‘get athlete ‘.
32) You might create cable and net climbing online audios. Define your diet services with expressions as ‘get faster ‘.
33) You can advertise cable/pulley weights and nordic walking membership sites. Express your fitness products with wording like ‘build muscle ‘.
34) You should publicize calf machines and oblique crunches ecourses. Detail your workout items with language as ‘increase speed ‘.
35) You may suggest calf raises and one arm chin ups classes. Advertise your nutrition merchandise with adage like ‘get healthy ‘.
36) You could endorse cardiovascular machines and one-arm rows newsletters. Explain your exercise services with representations as ‘get flexible ‘.
37) You might distribute cartwheels and overhead presses accessories Market your diet products with words like ‘end anxiety ‘.
38) You can auction cha-cha-cha’s and pec deck machines devices. Paint your fitness items with phrases as ‘lose pounds ‘.
39) You should publish chest flys and pegboard climbs gear. Copy write your workout merchandise with sayings like ‘reduce calories ‘.
40) You may sell chest press and pelvic lifts consulting. Promote your nutrition services with terms as ‘halting tension ‘.
41) You could make chest presses and personal training coaching. Portray your exercise products with remarks like ‘get compliments ‘.
42) You might market chest stretches and pilates training. State your diet items with descriptions as ‘fast and quick ‘.
43) You can generate chin up bars and plank poses DVDs. Term your fitness merchandise with wordage like ‘minutes a day ‘.
44) You should promote chin ups and plate pinches ezines. Sketch your workout services with expressions as ‘easy to store ‘.
45) You may create chin/crunches and plate twists supplies. Present your nutrition products with wording like ‘compacted ‘.
46) You could advertise clean and jerks lifts and plate weights CDs. Relate your exercise items with language as ‘portable ‘.
47) You might publicize concentration curls and pole dancing eclasses. Label your diet merchandise with adage like ‘sturdy ‘.
48) You can suggest cone drills and preacher benches ebooks. Depict your fitness services with representations as ‘durable ‘.
49) You should endorse corner hopping and pull downs magazines. Character your workout products with words like ‘fat free ‘.
50) You may distribute cross jump and switches and pull ups online audios. Call your nutrition items with phrases as ‘all natural ‘.
51) You could auction cross-country ski machines and pull-ins membership sites. Report your exercise merchandise with sayings like ‘light weight ‘.
52) You might publish cross-country skiing and pullovers ecourses. Represent your diet services with terms as ‘cholesterol free ‘.
53) You can sell crossovers and push downs classes. Outline your fitness products with remarks like ‘low calorie ‘.
54) You should make crunch-hands overhead and pushups newsletters. Summaries your workout items with descriptions as ‘high protein ‘.
55) You may market crunches and push weights accessories Photograph your nutrition merchandise with wordage like ‘low carb ‘.
56) You could generate curl bars and quad lift and switches devices. Video your exercise services with expressions as ‘no carb ‘.
57) You might promote curl machines and rear delt rows gear. publicize your diet products with wording like ‘iron rich ‘.
58) You can create dances and rear lunges consulting. Draw your fitness items with language as ‘lean ‘.
59) You should advertise deadlifts and rearward legs coaching. Describe your workout merchandise with adage like ‘low fat ‘.
60) You may publicize decline benches and recumbent bikes training. Illustrate your nutrition services with representations as ‘diet ‘.
61) You could suggest decline presses and repeaters DVDs. Define your exercise products with words like ‘nutritious ‘.
62) You might endorse dipping balls and reverse ab crunches ezines. Express your diet items with phrases as ‘energy rich ‘.
63) You can distribute dips and reverse lat pull downs supplies. Detail your fitness merchandise with sayings like ‘100% fruit ‘.
64) You should auction dumbbells and rock climbing CDs. Advertise your workout services with terms as ‘100% vegetable ‘.
65) You may publish elastic bands and rotating climbing wall eclasses. Explain your nutrition products with remarks like ‘mobile ‘.
66) You could sell elliptical machines, rowing machines and stationary bicycling ebooks. Market your exercise items with descriptions as ‘safe ‘.
67) You might make exercise, rows and stationary bikes magazines. Paint your diet merchandise with wordage like ‘automated ‘.
68) You can market exercise balls, running and step ups online audios. Copy write your fitness services with expressions as ‘quality ‘.
69) You should generate fitness kickboxing, russian twists and step-touches membership sites. Promote your workout products with wording like ‘easy to install ‘.
70) You may promote fitness skiing, scissor kicks and stiff arm pull downs ecourses. Portray your nutrition items with language as ‘low price ‘.
71) You could create fitness walking, seated and straddle jump classes. State your exercise merchandise with adage like ‘adaptable ‘.
72) You might advertise flat benches, seated rows and straight-legged dead lifts newsletters. Term your diet services with representations as ‘simple instructions ‘.
73) You can publicize flat presses, shadow boxing and summersaults accessories Sketch your fitness products with words like ‘folds up ‘.
74) You should suggest flutter kicks, shoulder stretches and supermans devices. Present your workout items with phrases as ‘payment plan ‘.
75) You may endorse flys, shoulder burner and swimming gear. Relate your nutrition merchandise with sayings like ‘fits under bed ‘.
76) You could distribute free weights, shoulder presses and thigh abductors consulting. Label your exercise services with terms as ‘use it anytime ‘.
77) You might auction french presses, shoulder shrugs and toe presses coaching. Depict your diet products with remarks like ‘fits in closet ‘.
78) You can publish front kicks, shrugs and toe touches training. Character your fitness items with descriptions as ‘improve you self esteem ‘.
79) You should sell front lunges, side bends and treadmill walking DVDs. Call your workout merchandise with wordage like ‘stop cravings ‘.
80) You may make front shoulder raises, side bridges and treadmills ezines. Report your nutrition services with expressions as ‘use it anywhere ‘.
81) You could market gliders, side-kicks and tricep dips supplies. Represent your exercise products with wording like ‘works whole body ‘.
82) You might generate grapevines, side leaps and tricep kickbacks CDs. Outline your diet items with language as ‘a healthy meal on the go ‘.
83) You can promote gym, side leg lifts and triceps bars eclasses. Summaries your fitness merchandise with adage like ‘discounted ‘.
84) You should create hack squat machines, side raises and triceps extensions ebooks. Photograph your workout services with representations as ‘fit in old clothes ‘.
85) You may advertise hack squats, side shoulder raises and triceps pushdowns magazines. Video your nutrition products with words like ‘speeds metabolism ‘.
86) You could publicize hammer curls, sit ups and turn steps online audios. publicize your exercise items with phrases as ‘lost 2 dress sizes ‘.
87) You might suggest hamstring curls, skate throws and upright rows membership sites. Draw your diet merchandise with sayings like ‘works target areas ‘.
88) You can endorse hanging pikes, ski jump and v steps ecourses. Describe your fitness services with terms as ‘keep the weight off ‘.
89) You should distribute heel raises, skipping and wall climbing classes. Illustrate your workout products with remarks like ‘use while doing anything ‘.
90) You may auction high runs, small sprints and wall push-ups newsletters. Define your nutrition items with descriptions as ‘it’s fun and enjoyable ‘.
91) You could publish hip abductors, smith machines and wall squats accessories Express your exercise merchandise with wordage like ‘be happy with yourself ‘.
92) You might sell hip flexors, snatch lifts and weighted jogging devices. Detail your diet services with expressions as ‘feel attractive again ‘.
93) You can make home gym, spiderman lunges and weighted pushups gear. Advertise your fitness products with wording like ‘fast healthy recipes ‘.
94) You should market hyperextensions, spiderman pushups and wobble board consulting. Explain your workout items with language as ‘no more embarrassment ‘.
95) You may generate hypertension benches, spinning bikes and wood choppers coaching. Market your nutrition merchandise with adage like ‘noticeable effects ‘.
96) You could promote in-line skating, squat racks and workout training. Paint your exercise services with representations as ‘fit in high school clothes ‘.
97) You might create incline, squat thrusts and wrist circles DVDs. Copy write your diet products with words like ‘gain more confidence ‘.
98) You can advertise indoor rowing, squats and x steps ezines. Promote your fitness items with phrases as ‘prepares you mentally ‘.
99) You should publicize isometric exercises, stair climbing and yoga supplies. Portray your workout merchandise with sayings like ‘fast results ‘.
100) You may suggest jack medleys, stair stepping and z steps CDs. State your nutrition services with terms as ‘extend you lifespan ‘.