FUNNEL MASTERY BONUS: 10 Part Training Series With Incl. Resources To Build Your Own Funnels.
Want A Profitable Mailing List But Not Sure Where To Begin? We’ll Guide You, Equip You & Even PAY You Cash To Do It!
5-10 Minutes A Day Using Automation Software & Our Time-Tested Strategy
See How Your New Site Can Be Live In Just 27 Seconds From Now!
Access Today For Only $197.00 $46.95 + $9.97/month
“Today You’ll Get Access To The Complete FunnelMates Suite, Traffic Automation Software Tools & Our Beginner Friendly 10 Part Video Series (Inc. Templates & Resources) Responsible For Taking 1,000’s Of Complete Affiliate Zero’s To Legendary Affiliate Marketing Hero’s“
Use Our Done-For-You Affiliate Funnels -
OR Use Our Templates To Make Your Own -
Fully Hosted & Managed Autoresponder -
Add Unlimited Subscribers -
Handwritten Promo Emails Forever -
Beginner Friendly Click & Go App -
Includes InBuilt Traffic Toolkit -
Automatically GDPR Compliant -
Marketplaces Include: JVZoo, WarriorPlus, Clickbank, PayKickstart, ThriveCart, Kartra, Amazon, Shopify Accounts & More
Hosted One Click Funnel Templates -
Easy Drag & Drop Page Designer -
Done-For-You Email Templates -
Sell Your Funnels & We Pay You Cash -
Integrates With Autoresponders -
Integrated With Zapier and GoToWebinar -
Cloud Hosted, Nothing To Install -
Works On Mac, PC, Mobile … Everywhere -
BONUS $30 FunnelMates Cash!
“Clickbank Platinum Powerseller & JVZoo Top Seller and Affiliate Marketer Cindy Donovan, with OVER 200,000 sales to her name knows what works and what doesn’t!
So when she offers to manage sales for me, in a platform with so many amazing features I know FunnelMates is guaranteed to be an absolutely a winner!”
FunnelMates Is The FIRST EVER
System That Simplifies List Building Affiliate Funnels
To Something Anyone Can Use
Businesses Capturing Leads
Make More Money
Than Businesses That Don’t
No Two Ways About It… If You’re Not Building A List You’re Losing Sales…
In Fact … On Average, Out Of Every 100 People Who Visit On Your Pages
6-7% are open to the idea
6-7% are open to the idea
30% don’t think they’re interested
30% KNOW they’re not interested
Long Story Short, 97% Of People
Just Aren’t Ready To Buy From You Right Now…
Even Worse? Once They’re Gone,
70% Of People Will NEVER Be Back Again!
It’s like you never existed to them.
For some crazy reason we just accept it.
There’s plenty more fish in this massive online sea, right?
You can just catch the next one.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that…
If you don’t have a lead capture funnel at the right time, offering a lead magnet perfect for what that client, visitor or curious potential customer wants…
You’re in BIG trouble…
So, yes. In an ideal world we would all have an ideal funnel for each and every ideal situation in the moment it’s needed.
And in that same ideal world we’d all be earning big fat paychecks from our finely tuned email sequence.
Making Funnels Is Hard Work
Creating, Writing, Designing, More Writing, Uploading,
Testing, Tweaking…SCREAMING!
We’ve All Been There!
Creating A Funnel Takes TIME
In a basic lead capture funnel you need:
• A lead magnet as the incentive
• Your landing/optin page
• Your thank you/download pages
• Sales copy written for the pages
• Follow up emails in your sequence
• Emails loaded into autoresponder
• Emails written regularly when the autoresponder sequence
runs out
Creating A Funnel Costs MONEY
You need to have software to build the pages, design the graphics, format the pdf’s etc
Then you need to pay (monthly/yearly) for:
• A Domain Name
• Hosting
• Autoresponder Software
Or if you Weren’t One Of The Lucky Few Blessed At Birth With The Illusive Techie Gene,
You Can Outsource It And hope They Do A OK Job, Within The Budget You’d Hoped To Spend.
So What’s The Alternative?
Use Something Already Built?
BUT Let’s Face It… “Done-For-You” List
Building Funnels SUCK
Done-For-You Funnels Take Work
Ever been excited about a new done-for-you funnel collection, only to find that they’re not quite right for what you need it to do.
• Rewrite the pages to match your offer
• Add your code (CODE?!?!??! arrg!)
• Add your name and links in emails
• Upload emails to your autoresponder
Sometimes finding something for your niche to begin with is hard enough. It looks good at first glance, but yikes! It ends up being so much work you’re better off starting over.
No wonder you didn’t use it, right?
You might be thinking if only you could pay the $297/month for ClickFunnels all your funnel problems would be over.
YES! They have templates and these glorious one-click solutions that make you look professional in a snap…
BUT even with the supposedly magic money-making software, you still need to:
• Write sales copy (that converts…)
• Design the pages
• Create the lead magnet
• Write the email follow ups
• Pray to God it makes some sales so you can cover next month’s rebill!
And The One Thing People Seem
To Turn A Blind Eye To…
Once you’ve finally got your lead magnet set up, chances are … it might not be relevant for as long as you’d like.
For real success you need something new, fresh, promoting hot products AS THEY LAUNCH or getting leads into your services and to your sales pages as they happen.
When good people like you give up and walk away from their money making projects over bad software…
It simply breaks my heart.
And it’s not just the money they’re missing out on…
It’s the ideas, the solutions, and the VALUE the world has to miss out on thanks to another true solution stabbed in the back by crappy software…
I know, I know, I sound like I’m a little mad, It’s because I AM!
My team and I put in YEARS getting this platform right for you, and I’ll be damned if some fast talking person with a slick pitch full of lies is going to keep me from being able to help you get to the level of success we BOTH know you should be playing at.
Not this time!
You’re About To Be Given
Fresh Lead Magnets On YOUR Topic,
For YOUR Audience At The Click Of A Button
Funnel Mates Makes It Dead Simple
Build Marketing Lists Filled With
Written Emails Including Your Own Links
& Enjoy FunnelMates’ Amazing Features
Beginner Friendly 27 Second
Activation (No Editing!)
Our average person, completely new to the system has their entire account set up, branded and profit ready in just 27 seconds.
There’s no editing code, no designing pages, no tricky configurations. Everything is done in your easy to use members dashboard.
High Converting Landing Pages With Targeted
Lead Magnets That Pull In Subscribers Like Crazy!
Our constantly growing collection of high converting squeeze pages come with a custom created lead magnet, offering anything from reports, software or coupons to free trials, consultations and entire membership giveaways.
We host the pages and gifts… and give you a link to share to get subscribers, or download the gift and try it out for yourself too!
Fully Integrated Funnel
That Places Your Links To Sales Offers On Pages
Once people subscribe to receive their lead magnet gift they will go through our TESTED and PROVEN funnel complete with Thank-you, confirmation, and download pages.
It’s already set up for you. Each of these pages are highly optimized with integrated ads that will automatically send traffic to your affiliate links.
No Setup Needed, With Everything Hosted
For You At No Extra Cost
You don’t need to install or configure anything. We host all your pages and run the high converting autoresponder follow up system for you, at no cost.
FunnelMates is entirely cloud based, so you’ll find everything you need inside the member’s area, so you can get started immediately.
Hosted Email Software & (Optional)
Autoresponder Integration
Your new subscribers are added onto a list we’ve created for you, delivering high converting prewritten emails on autopilot, totally managed, and with absolutely nothing extra you need to do to make this work.
However, if you’d like you have a copy of your subscribers also added to your own email sequences you can! Simply connect your autoresponder of choice, choose the list you’d like us to add them to and it’s done!
With a system this powerful, filling your lists is going to be easier and faster and cheaper than anything you may have tried in the past.
To let you really profit like the ‘big boys’ with their BIG lists, we’re giving you our no-holding back – no subscriber limits advantage.
You’ll never run out of space, or be forced to pay extra once your subscriber count is really pumping and your business is really taking off. No limits, ever.
Unlimited Professionally
Written Follow Up Emails
Once people are on the list they will be tagged to your affiliate ID for life!
We will send them professionally written follow up emails promoting solid evergreen products and exciting new launches in their targeted niche.
All emails will use your affiliate link so you always get the affiliate commissions… doesn’t matter if it’s two years from now.
Automatically Included Email Promotions
For Offers On Multiple Popular Affiliate Networks
FunnelMates is integrated with:
• JVZoo
• WarriorPlus
• Clickbank
• PayKickstart
• ThriveCart
• Amazon
• Shopify
• And MANY More
So when you make sales you’ll see them sent directly to your own account – no middleman cut.
1-Click Automatically
Customized Traffic Toolkit
Each unlocked funnel comes packed with a customised affiliate toolkit that’s as easy as copy paste or in some cases, click and share.
Content varies between funnels, but can include:
100’s Of Niches Or
Funnels By Request
Simply select one of our profit funnels to get started. They cover almost all niches and product types, from dating to WordPress and everything in between… no matter what you are interested in… we have you covered!
If you can’t find something to fit your needs, fill out a funnel request form in your members dashboard! All requests are considered and made available to our growing funnel building team.
Our easy script integration gives you full flexibility over your funnel pages, without having to deal with any page editing.
You can add a messenger bot, retargeting pixels and more!
Simply choose your funnel, click the integration button, select your page and paste your code. Simple!
When you receive the link to your funnel you can choose from a regular, funnelmates link, a shortened/shareable version – or, you can add your own custom domain name.
Connect up to 5 different domain names and have beautifully branded funnels that look like they’ve taken weeks to build, but really… took you seconds to activate.
Click Tracking & Statistics
Each funnel comes with a cleverly built tracking system. Simply add any keyword to the end of your funnel link and we’ll go to work for you, giving you a breakdown of unique clicks and signups for each of your traffic sources.
Peer Reviewed Rating System
Want to make sure the funnels you’re promoting are actually getting signups and earning commissions for people?
Our internal rating review system allows members to share their experience, post their star ratings and let you find the perfect funnel, that fits your needs.
Mac, PC & Mobile Friendly
Activating and setting up up your profit funnels is quick and easy, and can be done from literally anywhere.
Once you’ve joined, you’ll get access to your cloudbased members dashboard, so you can access and start using it from your Windows computer, Mac or yes, even your phone!
All you need is an internet connection and a minute or two to make this work for you.
You don’t need to install or configure anything. We host all your pages and run the high converting autoresponder follow up system for you, at no cost.
FunnelMates is entirely cloud based, so you’ll find everything you need inside the member’s area, so you can get started immediately.
“My brother is using my laptop to focus on his university studies so when I joined FunnelMates it was from my phone. It took me about 2 minutes to have my account and first funnel set up FROM MY PHONE! I couldn’t even build a funnel with a laptop before and now I have 3 funnels set up and getting subscribers already. Simply amazing!”
Exciting Yeah? But… Just Wait…!
As You’ve Seen Having These Completely Ready To Go Funnels Live,
Fully Branded And Filled With Prewritten Emails …
Queued & Sent Automatically To Your New Subscribers Is As Easy As:
Add your JVZoo, WarriorPlus, Clickbank, PayKickstart and PP to your account settings
They’re all free and if you’re new, we’ll show you how to sign up and set it up.
Use the ‘FunnelMates’ money we give you, to unlock your choice of profit funnels
Everything is instantly activated, branded, written + ready to go
Your funnels each contain a customised
traffic toolkit.
Simply click to activate your traffic toolkit and add leads into your prewritten, fully automated, email sequences!
What’s Better Than Instantly Activated, Designed,
Hosted, Email Written & Branded Funnels?
“Give A Man A fish And You’ll Feed Him For A day;
Teach Him How To Fish And He’ll Eat For A Lifetime.”
FunnelMates Gives You The Fish, The Rod,
AND The Reel And Just For Good Measure…
The Entire Fishing Boat!
New to online marketing?
FunnelMates is perfect for you. You can discover affiliate marketing and list building with absolutely no learning curve. We’ll help you set up your first account, get your first subscriber and see your first affiliate commissions hitting your accounts quick smart.
You’re welcome to keep “eating as many fish” as you like! Once people build their confidence and understanding of online marketing we see many of our members naturally progressing to more advanced strategies, but there’s no pressure whatsoever. You’re completely welcome to stay or proceed at your own pace.
Not quite new, but love a good shortcut? FunnelMates is perfect for you. You might already have a great idea of ‘where the fish are’, but just need a faster, easier way to get to them. Spend less time messing around doing all the manual work – and more time reaping the benefits!
Wanna kick your profits up a notch?
FunnelMates is perfect for you. Use our templates and easy-to-use drag and drop builder to create custom funnels for your own personal use or add to our marketplace and you’ll get paid any time one of our members chooses your funnel!
Yes, that’s right, you can SELL the funnels you create to other members right inside the FunnelMates members area!
FunnelMates will pay you CASH every time a member activates your funnel.
In Fact, ALL The Funnels In FunnelMates
Have Been Created By Fellow Members.
High level product owners (or their staff members). -
First time product creators wanting to get more affiliates -
People wanting to build massive lists by leveraging other people’s work -
Entrepreneurs who’ve bought (too many) lead magnet type offers in the past, often with private label or reseller rights…
Marketers who make funnels for themselves and make them available for others as an extra lead generation and income stream. -
Affiliate marketers wanting a great funnel to promote the latest hot offers -
People who just love making funnels (and getting paid to do it!) -
People just like you who follow our templated, step by step funnel building process to create these powerful lead magnets for all kinds of situations… because:
Literally, ANYONE Doing Business Online
NEEDS A Lead Capture Funnel
To build targeted lists for bigger, more profitable promos with auto promos going out as launches go live.
Market to existing customers for significantly higher ROI, run sales & reach new ones.
Grow your reach + profits by adding a funnel link to your FB, Clubhouse, Twitter profiles & more.
Build a database of repeat customers in any niche with instant, custom created followups.
Add instant CTA’s that grow your list and profits.
Mail your leads to fill any available job openings faster.
Pack out your calendar using auto sequences.
Launch BIGGER with a warmed up audience of buyers.
Spend more time on the music, less time in the tech.
Streamline sales of current and future releases for more best sellers.
Sell your products without having to ‘push’ sales, it happens naturally.
Create and sell more digital products with a ready-made list.
Winners Have Funnels (LOTS Of Them!)
Making it SIMPLE for YOU to have an easier and proven path to truly profitable funnels is the reason I get up every morning and the thing that gets me through even my hardest days…
It’s Things Like Seeing Complete Beginners Excitedly
Earning Their First Money Online!
THIS is more than just the $13.50 or $18.50 in commissions.
This, for these people and hundreds of other beginner marketers is about opening up a world of entirely new possibilities.
Ask any 6, 7 or 8 figure online marketer what their first sale was and I guarantee you they’ll tell you with the excitement of remembering it like it was just yesterday.
This Internet Marketing thing really does work! That first sale is your new beginning!
With FunnelMates you can use funnels like these people have done, to build lists and make affiliate commissions the easier way.
But if you’re like me and want to experience the rush of helping someone new earn their first commissions AND get paid for it it doesn’t get better than FunnelMates.
With The New Edition Of FunnelMates,
You’re About To Get, You’ll Have:
CASH To Unlock Your Choice Of Instant Funnels
Access To Our Templated Drag & Drop Funnel Builder
A License (& Passionate Audience) To Sell Them To
Here’s Exactly What You Get
Inside The Builder
Cloud Hosted Funnel Templates
Select your lead capture funnel type (standard, video, webinar, review, quiz, or social) and then choose which of those templates you’d like to use.
FunnelMates will automatically install landing, thank you, confirmation, and download pages for you ready to customise.
Classic Lead Magnet Funnels
Choose these for traditional style lead funnels. Give away an incentive and automatically deliver the offer along with relevant affiliate promotions.
These funnel templates are designed with engaging video in mind, so you can embed your video and capture attention faster.
Promoting high ticket webinars while still being able to capture leads is now a cinch, connect using our webinar integrations to let affiliates promote your webbie and build lists.
Create product review or bonus pages with the option to link directly to the offer as well as having them subscribe to your lists.
Entice your webpage visitors onto your lists with these clever quiz style landing page funnels having them opt-in to get their results.
Use these funnels to create lead capture pages for share worthy content, using curiosity and education to cleverly guide your website visitors onto your email lists.
Click & Edit, Drag & Drop
Editing is as simple as clicking to open the settings and changing things however you like.
Add headlines, bullet points, videos, maps, icons, testimonial blocks, html blocks, images, countdown timers, number counters and so much more…
Every piece of your page can use attention grabbing animation. You can:
• Fade in or out, right or left
• Slide up, down, in, or out
• Zoom, bounce, rotate, and spin
Or you can flash, pulse, shake, swing, jello wobble, roll in, pop and zoom your choice of text, images, videos, or call to action buttons and opt-in forms to make your page look professional and noticeable.
Affiliate Network Integrations
Choose an offer from any of our connected networks and we’ll specifically code the links so that when a member activates your funnel, it automatically adds their affiliate links.
There’s nothing technical to puzzle out, just add your product, or any affiliate product you choose. We’ll turn it into an affiliate link for members who activate and make sure their links are added to the emails.
DFY Email Sequence Templates
Freaking out about the idea of writing emails for an entire email sequence?
Don’t worry, we’ve taken care of that too. When using our email builder you’ll find a collection of handcrafted templates for any mood, style, or requirement.
Need to deliver a download, easy. Want to put together an affiliate promotion? Or connect with your audience using highly engaging storytelling emails. Just fill in the blanks and it’s done, set up, and ready for delivery!
Set up your download and affiliate links in our easy to use link management dashboard.
If you need to update a link, like if a product you’re promoting isn’t available for sales anymore or you find something better you’d like to recommend we’ve made it easy.
Simply update in your dashboard and we’ll instantly update it on all of your pages and emails to redirect to your new link.
Want to build a funnel, but not sure if people will buy it? We’ve made it easy by adding a funnel request form in our members’ area.
Members can suggest niches and offer lead magnet giveaways to create funnels with buyers all ready to hand over the cash. Find resources and more in your dashboard.
Buyers With Money To Burn…
Speaking of people requesting funnels, we’re giving all of our members (you too…!) money to spend, that unlocks these powerful, profitable instant funnels in the FunnelMates marketplace.
They’re excited to start building lists and have funds at their fingertips. There’s no need to entice people or convince them to buy. You have a targeted audience, with money ready to spend on exactly what they want to buy – so give it to them!
You’ll see each transaction in your sales history with links to every person who’s activated your funnel (either free or paid).
You can connect with them in our chat groups, add them as friends and if they accept your invitation, find out ways you can help them get more out of their funnel or how to grow bigger and better funnels. You could even message your previous buyers to let them know you’re releasing a new funnel!
OR Get ‘Paid’ Subscribers!
You can choose to give away your funnels to our members and instead of having them pay you for using your funnel, they’ll share their leads.
Simply connect your autoresponder, make the funnel available for free and any leads your funnel activator captures will also be automatically added to your own, integrated autoresponder platform too.
Set & Forget Leads & Sales
Setting up a funnel is a quality investment of your time, creating an evergreen asset that will continue to build your lists and earn profits long after you built it.
Better yet, The more you build, the more sales in our FunnelMates marketplace you’ll get. Each funnel you build and list for sale will be added to your profile, creating your own agency-style page.
When a member loves one of your funnels and you have more in your style to offer, think they’ll want to buy more? Heck yeah!
Finally, There’s Nothing Holding You Back
From Having Your Own Ready-To-Go List Building Funnel
Just Moments From Now!
No Creative
Talents Needed
No Expensive Additional Hosting Or Software Tools
No ‘Guru’ Level Lists Or Traffic Secrets Needed
Everything You Need Is Included
Maybe I’m crazy, but I can’t help but over deliver… to make this an even easier decision for you I’m also including two very special launch-only bonuses.
VIP’s: VIRAL INTENSIFIER PROFITS SYSTEM: Can only be unlocked in your account during launch.
Once activated, you’ll get access to our VIP’s hidden page revealing a secret way to add your affiliate links on hundreds of links inside the FunnelMates dashboard itself. (Not only in the emails and funnel pages)
Also, when people buy FunnelMates using your special VIP link, ALL product recommendations, funnel previews and promotional links in their FunnelMates dashboard will contain YOUR affiliate links!
And one last thing: Unlock this exclusive perk now, and it will also be available for any person you introduce to FunnelMates.
LIMITLESS HANDWRITTEN EMAIL PROMOTIONS: Unlock now and benefit in your account email, after email, after email…
When funnels are unlocked, you’ll be given the option to activate our done-for-you list management service. When activated, after the initial automated sequence is finished our system will automatically segment your list according to their areas of interest.
We will then continue to send emails (max of 2-3/week) for high converting offers or upcoming launches as they go live, reviewing products for you, creating bonuses for your customers and crafting emails that sell. All with your affiliate codes added in every email we send to your subscribers.
We’ve been managing people’s lists in this capacity for 10+ years. Now, we’re ramping it up and offering this service to you too.
But Only When You Join FunnelMates From This Page!
“I’ve been through the entire FunnelMates platform and I’m very impressed indeed.You can literally get your own affiliate funnels, complete with DFY automated emails (created by the system), up and ready to go in seconds.
It also allows people to create funnels and sell them inside the members area for real cash. This really is one of the best & easiest to use funnel systems that I’ve ever across and I’m confident it will pay over and over again. This product is a no brainer for newbies searching for their first payday online or seasoned marketers, who can leverage their own funnels in the marketplace.
Very clever product that has been put together to a very high standard. Huge thanks to Cindy and the team for creating this much needed state of the art system.”
With Your Own
FunnelMates Access Today
Instant List Building Affiliate Funnels
+ The Entire Funnel Builder App
6 Week Affiliate Masterclass Event
Activate 1 Click List Building
and Promotion Filled Funnel
Done-For-You Lead Magnets -
Done-For-You Landing Pages -
Done-For-You Delivery Pages -
Fully Hosted & Managed Autoresponder -
Unlimited Subscribers -
Unlimited Handwritten Promo Emails -
Your Affiliate ID’s Automatically Added -
In Any Niche Or Even By Request -
No Code. Just 1 Click & Done! -
Custom Traffic Toolkit For Each Funnel -
Automatically GDPR Compliant -
Integrated Networks Include: JVZoo, WarriorPlus, Clickbank, PayKickstart, ThriveCart, Kartra, Amazon, Shopify Accounts & More
Create Funnels For
Personal Use Or Sale
Get Paid Cash For Your Funnels -
Hosted One Click Funnel Templates -
Easy Drag & Drop Page Designer -
Done-For-You Email Templates -
Sell JVZoo, W+, Clickbank Products -
Share For Free & Get Paid With Leads -
Sell Your Funnels & We Pay You Cash -
Integrates With Autoresponders -
Integrated With Zapier and GoToWebinar
One Time Setup Fee | $9.97/m Ongoing Thereafter. No Contracts
Instant Funnels + Funnel Builder + FunnelMates Cash + VIP’s Bonus
My Personal Guarantee To You!
As an early adopter, I know you’ve already seen the value and potential of getting your hands on FunnelMates.
However…if you’re someone who LIKES to be at the cutting edge but always seems to be stopped, stuck, regretting chances you just didn’t take, then let me make this easy for you by offering my 100% money back guarantee.
30 Day Money Back
I know there’s a lot of pressure for you right now, with entry spots being so limited, the VIP’s bonuses being restricted to this page… and the price about to increase too.
So I want to give you a chance to remove all doubt and instead of locking yourself into something “forever”, I invite you to just try it out instead.
Join our happy FunnelMates family now, and if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results in 30 days, simply contact our support team and we’ll refund your money. No Questions asked, No hard feelings, No Kidding!
I Do Have To Warn You –
There Is One Small Catch Though…
And It’s a very real catch when it comes to securing your FunnelMates access right now.
As I’ve said… this is a very time limited promotion. It HAS to be for a few solid reasons.
FunnelMates is live right now though, welcoming new members. It’s a hustling, bustling community in there right now!
But the longer you wait, the busier it will become, increasing our server costs and bumping you further down the line of people able to claim the all-important ‘founders’ benefits that you get when any new community starts to really take off.
As a result, we’ll naturally have to remove some of our perks (very likely removing our cash entry bonus) and we’ll definitely be increasing the price.
If you were to say no to yourself and leave this page now, I can’t guarantee this offer will still be available but I can guarantee that right now is your chance to get the best deal you’ll ever see for FunnelMates access.
I highly recommend that you take action right now and take advantage while you still can.
So Here You Stand
At The Proverbial Crossroads…
You could always turn left, forget everything we’ve talked about (which you’d kinda need to, because how sucky would it be to KNOW how good your new life would be, and not be living it??)
You Could Turn RIGHT, Select the Funnelmates Package that makes sense for you, and join us on this journey to success!
My entire team and I have worked REALLY hard to make your choice just now a 100% No Brainer, and as such, I have a feeling you’re about to Make The Right Decision! 😉
Get FunnelMates Below & Secure Access To The Entire Suite AND All Access Pass To The Affiliate Masterclass
This Is Your Chance To Build
Your Most Powerful Asset Available To You (Your list!)
Faster And Easier Than You Ever Imagined Possible.
I reserve the right to change the price, change the offer or remove this altogether even as soon as today.
If you want a beginner friendly way to see profits without having to worry about technical issues, writing creatively, or struggling for traffic, now is the time to act. Secure your FunnelMates account today.
Frequently Asked
Truth is Cindy…I skipped right to the end. Can you sum up FunnelMates for me in just a few words?
No problem. Just imagine having countless funnels at your fingertips, for every niche imaginable (yep, including yours) where affiliate & digital Marketers are showered with automated leads & floods of commissions from multiple networks in only 27 seconds.
It includes access to the fully established marketplace where you can build and sell funnels to other affiliate marketers bringing extra revenue if you so choose.
Hold on. Did you say set up only takes 27 seconds? How is that even possible?
Yep, 27 seconds. I know, I know. It sounds a little out there… Luckily for you, I made a video to show you just that. (Ironically, it’s longer than it takes you to set up your first funnel on FunnelMates.)
>>>Click here to watch our 27 second challenge video<<<
Ok, I get it now. So, what affiliate networks does FunnelMates support?
ALL the big players… JVZoo, WarriorPlus, Clickbank, Shopify, Amazon, ThriveCart, PayKickstart…The list goes on.
That’s not the best bit though. This is all done on complete autopilot, with sales and commissions sent directly to your own account – there’s no middleman cut, you’ll get it all!
Cindy, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way…but what’s your background?
Don’t be silly. It’s an important question.
We’ll… I’ve been a full time online marketer for over 14 years after getting started by ‘accident’. I created a website in my forced downtime while undergoing chemotherapy for some particularly aggressive cancer. I knew nothing about online business, or business at all… haha!
It’s been an amazing journey and I’m so excited to be here, cancer free for over 12 years and owning a successful lifestyle business I never dreamed possible. I’m now truly passionate about doing what I can to see YOU experience the freedom this kind of business can bring!
You mentioned FunnelMates spending money, what’s that?
Glad you asked. In short FunnelMates spending money is the currency you’ll use inside the platform.
As you know, FunnelMates also includes a marketplace with countless funnels to choose from. These all include hosting, are affiliate link filled, with email follow-up sequences to get you up and running straight away.
If you join too we give you $20 $30 FunnelMates cash to get you started so you pick the perfect funnel for your needs.
(Just think of this as a thank-you gift from me for joining our FunnelMates family)
So how many instant funnels can I get for $30?
You’ll be surprised! because Funnel prices are set by the funnel builder with many starting around $1- $5 you can pick up a few. Of course, there are more expensive ones but believe me, your $30 will go a long way.
Ok, so what if I’m looking for a new funnel, but I’ve spent all of my cash?
Again, this is no problem because we’ve got lots of options for you.
You can create one using the funnel builder, unlock one of our many FREE to use funnels (max of 2 per month), spend cash you’ve earned from funnel sales, or buy more “FunnelMates cash” available in your member’s area.
Whatever option you choose, you’ll be getting a funnel perfect for your needs (With all the bells and whistles) for a fraction of the cost you’d find elsewhere.
So, if I choose to create funnels and sell them on FunnelMates, how do I get paid?
Simple. When someone pays to unlock a funnel you’ve built, we’ll send you the money to your personal fund’s account. (less a 20% processing/admin fee.)
You can then request to withdraw $50-$5,000 every 72hrs, 30 days after your funnel/s sale.
And to make it as easy as possible to get your earnings fast, you’re paid via Paypal or Wire Transfer. No hassle.
BONUS: You also get paid commissions by the affiliate networks when using the funnels for your own marketing and promotions, of course – so they’ll send you payments directly from each of the networks.
That sounds great! So, realistically, how much can I charge for my funnels?
Short answer…It’s completely up to you.
My advice, once you’ve joined FunnelMates, go over to the FunnelMates store in your dashboard to see what people are buying more of right now, at which price range, and pick a price you feel comfortable with.
(Remember, once your funnels are flying off the proverbial shelves there’s nothing stopping you from adjusting your prices)
I really want to give FunnelMates a try. Is there a Guarantee?
ABSOLUTELY! Listen, I think this is the BEST funnel builder bar none out there on the market today as it’s designed specifically to make your life as easy as possible.
But of course, I’m biased.
That’s why I want to give you a chance to remove all doubt and instead of locking yourself into something “forever”, I invite you to just try it out instead.
When You Join Our Happy FunnelMates family now, and if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results in 30 days, simply contact our support team and we’ll refund your money. No Questions asked, No hard feelings, No Kidding!
One Time Investment | No Monthly Fees
Instant Funnels + Funnel Builder + Funnel Cash + VIP’s Bonus
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